Friday, February 21, 2020

Come up with topic and I will discuss it with the professor then u can Essay - 1

Come up with topic and I will discuss it with the professor then u can start writing - Essay Example of 1980s, the welfare reform movement deeply transformed the prospects of the credit so that it no longer represented a modest work incentive, but rather acted as an anti-poverty device capable of raising the living standards of non-working Americans over and above the poverty line. In 1986, the EITC earned considerable credit in the political salience resulting to its radical expansion. A decade later when the Personal Responsibility and Work Reconciliation Act was established to replace the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) to oversee welfare under the TANF program, the credit became the most consistent and the largest anti-poverty tool (Chetty 24). In 1994, when the federal spending on the EITC became consistently higher than AFDC and TANF, it incrementally gained more attention among the US policy makers. By the 2009 fiscal year, EITC benefits to low-income workers accounted to about $60 billion in federal spending, nearly $35 billion more than that on TANF. To show the long-term effects of the shift, EITC disbursal in 1980 was nearly $5 billion, compared to approximately $18 billion AFDC outlays. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 led to the expansion of the credit to include married couples and those families that had more three children. The expansion was ultimately extended through December 2012, and today, it is the largest tax benefit program for low-income working individuals, thus providing substantial tax dollars to the claimants. The economic incidence -- also known as the tax burden -- of the EITC is borne by individuals who suffer economic loss resulting from the taxes. From its outset, the credit triggered increased tax payments made by individuals to the local treasuries and the state. This in turn influenced the relative prices of goods and services, which further resulted to changes in behavior of individuals. Ultimately, a section of the economic burden was (is) shifted from those bearing the legal incidence

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Emerging Technology 3-D Transistors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Emerging Technology 3-D Transistors - Essay Example It is in line with this that manufacturers of memory cells, particularly, Intel have been concerned with ways of enhancing the performance level of transistors that are mounted on memory cells for various mobile devices, particularly smart phones. The new technology that has emerged from Intel is 3-D transistors. 3-D transistors have been said to be a technical form of Tri-Gate that has been set to advance over the traditional two-dimension gate, which was in flat construction. With the advancement, the two-dimensional planar is replaced with three-dimensional silicon fin that ensures that the silicon substrate is raised up vertically. This emerging technology has been said to be necessary because it is no longer becoming possible to cram transistors in two-dimensional gates to make the Moore’s Law of doubling the number of transistors on a silicon device every two years possible. Keywords – processor; transistors; 3-D transistors; tri-gate; mobile device; memory cell; Moore’s Law; fin; silicon; advancement; dimensional; chips I. INTRODUCTION The cell phone industry has grown to heights that can be described as the most phenomenal in decades since the introduction of the technology. There are indeed a number of factors that have aided in the rapid growth of the cell phone industry, particularly due to the efficiency and effectiveness of the various components of technologies that come together to make up the holistic cell phone industry. One of such components of technologies that cannot be overlooked is the performances of cell phones that have made them versatile to performing a number of functions, including advanced memory cells. It would be noted however that the making and functionality of these memory cells are always based on the mounting of transistors (Han and Wentzlo, 2010). these transistors have always been in place to enhance energy efficiency and monitor the speed of processors, ensuring that the cell phones and other mobile technology devices can undertake processes input in them quite easily (Joyner, Zarkesh-Ha, and Meindl, 2001). With this function of transistors in mobile devices, it is very clear to note that these mobile devices including new forms of smart phones cannot be integrated with component array of functionalities if they do not have an effective transistor base to regulate energy efficiency and processor speed (Apte, Doering, and Gargini, 2007). It is in line with this that the focus of most memory cell makers has been on the need to enhance the efficacy of transistors. This paper serves as a survey paper to critically analyze the works of existing reviewers on a particular new technology in the line of transistors, which are 3-D transistors. Intel’s 3-D transistors are used as a model. II. SURVEY FINDINGS A. Intel’s Motivation to go 3-D Since the emergence of this 3-D transistors idea, transistors were generally mounted on 2-D platforms, called the 2-D planer 2-D gate (Di etrich and Haase, 2012). Various researchers have therefore tried to find out what the motivation of Intel to go 3-D could be. In this, it has been identified that the major motivation behind the emerging technology of 3-D transistors is Moore’s Law (Davis et al, 2005). Chang, Zuo, Wang, Yu, and Boning (2012) notes that Moore’s Law states that â€Å"the number of transistors per chip will double roughly every two years.† By implication, the memory cell that houses the chips must be in a position to